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攀岩节奏感是影响攀岩成绩的关键因素之一,发展运动员节奏能力有助于提高技术动作质量和运动成绩。本文从攀岩运动员节奏能力的影响因素出发,探索提高攀岩运动员节奏能力的方法,主要从专项协调能力训练、机能储备训练、心理训练、节奏意识训练四个方面促进运动员的攀岩节奏能力的大幅度提高。  相似文献   
朱真 《科技信息》2011,(23):311-312
近些年来,岩质边坡的变形失稳问题一直备受岩土工作者的关注。通过对岩质边坡在一定地质环境条件下的本构问题研究,利用变形的有限性分析判断边坡是否稳定。结合多目标权重分析模型综合分析边坡失稳的影响因素,通过正交实验推断出各影响因素对边坡变形速率的作用程度,进而对不同边坡进行稳定性评价。通过定性分析与定量分析的结合,并用岩石破坏准则加以判断,对滑坡的区域危险性进行预测,从而得出岩质边坡失稳的危险等级。  相似文献   
本文提出了利用渗透率测定仪检测泥浆固相颗粒侵入岩芯深度的方法——分段截割法。用该方法测定了不同条件下泥浆固相颗粒侵入岩芯的深度,研究了影响岩芯渗透率的主要因素,并评价了室内配出的完井液对岩芯渗透率的影响。试验结果说明,加有合适桥堵剂的完井液对低渗岩芯渗透率的损害主要是由滤液引起。在钻经储层的过程中,尽量缩短泥浆浸泡时间。  相似文献   
日本火山灰土壤的粘土矿物特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了火山灰土壤中两个主要粘土矿物质水铝英石(Mlophane)与伊毛缟石(imogolite)的分散凝集特性、物理特征以及湿润状态和干燥状态下这些特征的变化规律.  相似文献   
The geological cross section of the Zhangjiakou Formation is originally established in the Zhangjiakou region. From the dating of four samples from typical cross sections of the Zhangjiakou Formation in the Zhangjiakou region, the age range is found to be mainly from 143.0 ± 3.7 Myr to 136.1 ± 1.4 Myr, which almost equals the sum of the age range of the Zhangjiakou Formation (136-135 Myr) and that of the Tuchengzi Formation (143-136 Myr) in the Luanping region, and the Zhangjiakou and Tuchengzi Formations in Zhang- jiakou-Luanping of North Hebei are found to be conformable. The evidence above indicates that the Zhangjiakou and Tuchengzi Formations, which are distributed in Zhangjiakou-Luanping, were formed under the same geological setting. Volcanic activity was earlier and longer (143-136 Myr) in the western region (Zhangjiakou) than that in the eastern region (Luanping). The "Zhangjiakou Formation" in Chengde and Pingquan formed in the period in which the Yixian Formation in West Liaoning formed, so should be renamed the Yixian Formation.  相似文献   
The Kunyang rift lying on the western margin of the Yangtze platform is a rare Precambrian Fe-Cu mineralization zone. Wuding- Lufeng basin that is an important part of the zone is located on the west edge in the middle of the rift. The most important ore-hosting rocks are Mesoproterozoic dolomite rocks in the basin controlled by a ring fracture system, which is a fundamental structure of the basin. Plenty of silicate minerals and acicular apatite, feldspar phenocrysts and small vesicular, flown line and flown plane structures, melt inclusion and high temperature fluid inclusion found in most ore-hosting dolomites suggest that this kind of rocks could not be sedimentary dolomite, marble or hydrothermal carbonate rocks. The Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta values of the rocks are identical with those of associated mantle-derived rocks, and vary widely. For the monomineral dolomite, δ^18OSMOW‰=+5.99 to +18.4 and δ^13CPDB‰ = -3.01 to +0.94, which fall within the range for all carbonatitic volcanic rocks of the world. As for the accessory minerals, the values of δ^18OSMOW‰ of magnetite (=+3.47 to +5.99‰) are close to that of the mantle (〈5.7%), and the δ^34S‰ values of sulfides (-5.09 to +5.78, averaging +1.50) are close to that of meteorite. For all the ore-bearing dolomite rocks, εNd = +0.19 to +2.27, and the calculated Isr=0.699143, while for the associated mantle-derived rocks, εnd = +3.18 to +3.72. All the data suggest that the mineral assemblage is not only igneous but also of metasomatic mantle origin. And the presence of acicular apatite indicates that the rocks were formed by magma rapidly cooling. And the phenocryst texture and vesicular, flown and ropy and pyroclastic structures suggest that the igneous rocks were extrusive. Therefore, the ore-bearing dolomite rocks are carbonatitic volcanic rocks. This conclusion implies that most iron and copper ore deposits hosted in the dolomite rocks should be of the carbonatite type.  相似文献   
为研究准噶尔盆地东部石炭系优质火山岩发育规律,通过野外踏勘、岩心观察、铸体薄片鉴定、孔渗分析、测井及地震分析方法研究了火山岩储层特征及分布。结果表明:石炭系火山岩主要岩性岩相以溢流相安山岩、爆发相凝灰岩为主,其次为溢流相玄武岩、爆发相火山角砾岩;火山岩储层中气孔+溶蚀孔和溶蚀孔+裂缝型孔隙为有利的孔隙组合类型,溢流相玄武岩、安山岩和爆发相火山角砾岩储层物性最好,为优质储层发育岩性;优质火山岩储层发育受火山喷发环境、岩性岩相及后期构造改造综合控制,火山岩喷发环境决定了储集空间的发育程度与规模,水上喷发环境造成火山岩原生气孔较为发育,后期淋滤溶蚀改造较为强烈,因此水上喷发环境的火山岩储集性能要好于水下喷发环境;石炭系火山活动具有沿断裂呈串珠-中心式分布的特征,受到构造活动影响,靠近断裂的储层发育有大量的裂缝,对火山物性的改善至关重要,靠近断裂还可沟通烃源岩与储层,为后期有机酸溶蚀创造有利条件。可见准噶尔盆地东部石炭系火山岩油气勘探潜力巨大,火山岩储层中靠近断裂的水上近火山口爆发相和水下近火山口侵出相是最有利储层发育带,有利的火山岩区带主要分布在准噶尔盆地东部滴西地区、五彩湾地区和东部大井地...  相似文献   
高耸结构岩石锚杆基础设计及有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
充分利用岩石地基的高承载力和锚杆的抗拔性能,采用锚杆基础作为高耸剪力墙结构的基础,同时采用接触单元模拟锚杆与岩体的相互作用,进行有限元分析。计算结果表明了锚杆基础的受力特点,为设计施工提供合理的依据。  相似文献   
本文就使用同轴测量线装置用反射法测量岩石介电常数的一些问题进行了讨论。为了求得岩石的介电常数和耗损角,需要根据测量数据求解超越方程。文中提出三种求解超越方程的数值解法,并指出各种解法的优缺点,将这三种数值解法结合使用效果较好。文章还对测量误差进行了分析,提出了考虑测量误差的计算公式,对影响测量结果的主要因素进行了讨论,并提出了使用反射法测量岩石介电常数的适用范围。  相似文献   
根据岩石的破裂机理,本文提出了在单轴压力下的全应力应变关系的微观破裂模型。该模型是以三种变系数K(ε,x)、R(x)、B(x)分别所对应的弹簧元件、滑动元件及断裂元件为模型的基本元件组成单位块体模型。模型模拟变形和累进破裂中的应力应交关系。  相似文献   
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